Overview of the Michigan Nursing Action Coalition
The Michigan Nursing Action Coalition serves as the driving force transforming health care in our state with nurses at the heart of the delivery system. Understanding that Michigan has specific health care challenges and needs, we are working collaboratively with diverse stakeholders to create a culture of health leading to improved health and health outcomes for Michigan’s population. The action coalition is co-lead by Michigan Health Council and Michigan Primary Care Association.
In August 2014, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, recognized the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) and Michigan Health Council (MHC) as co-leads in organizing the Michigan Action Coalition.
The Michigan Action Coalition is convened to advance the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, a collaboration created by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the AARP Foundation.
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action seeks to improve health and health care through nursing. The Campaign works with Action Coalitions in 50 states and the District of Columbia to implement the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing recommendations.
The Campaign’s vision is to ensure that everyone in America can live a healthier life, supported by a system in which nurses are essential partners in providing care and promoting health. The Campaign is coordinated by the Center to Champion Nursing in America, an initiative of AARP, the AARP Foundation, and RWJF.
As leaders of the Michigan Action Coalition, MPHI and MHC will begin the process of bringing together nursing and non-nursing leaders in health systems, education, public policy, non-profits, and communities, to support the role of nursing as an essential piece of transforming health care and promoting health.
Forming the Michigan Action Coalition marks the beginning -- not the end -- of organizing a consistent voice on the importance of nursing in developing a culture of health in Michigan. Public health and population health are distinctive elements of the Michigan Action Coalition that our national partners are counting on us to promote across the country.
1. Beginning with four pillars of work – nursing education, practice, leadership and diversity - projects have been established to advance the IOM recommendations for nursing and incorporate the Culture of Health framework. Each project has established goals, objectives, action steps and identified how their work links to population health/public health.
2. Held nursing leadership summits in 2014-2019, with plans for a 2021 nursing event this fall. Achieving Health Equity through Growth, Innovation, and Reflection will be held virtually on October 22, 2021.
3. Developed the Nursing Career Guide that provides resources on educational progression, career planning, career coaching and interprofessional collaboration. Other tools include the nursing education database and the Professional Advancement Handbook. This work was completed as part of Michigan’s State Implementation Program (SIP) grant.
4. Develop an interprofessional facilitator training module. The module, “The Basics of Interprofessional Collaboration,” outlines the basics of interprofessional collaboration for nurses based on the four competencies identified by the IPEC report. One hour of continuing education credit is available for completing the three part course and a short survey to provide feedback on the module.
5. Created an ongoing relationship with the Michigan Health Council's Social Determinants of Health Partnership group to expand the conversation and develop new connections with non-nursing partners. Recent meetings have included topics of unique Food Bank of Michigan / Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan partnerships with health systems, and the Age-Friendly Communities initiative of the AARP.
6. Created a mentoring program matching nursing mentees with mentors. Participating mentors and mentees are matched based on work setting, practice area and professional interests. Please note that all activities are guided by mentors, but driven by mentees. Learn more here.