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Mentoring Month 1 - October 2017

Mentors and Mentees: Required: Section 1: Introduction— To be covered at the October Nursing Summit.  Sections 1-3, plus all consents and forms.

Review/Sign Consents

•           Review/Sign Mentoring Contracts

•           Review/Sign Confidentiality

•           Explain Monthly Data Collection

•           Exit Strategy

•           Other housekeeping items

•           Gather emails and/or text numbers to send out reminders for meetings to meet minimum inclusionary criteria. Excel spread sheet

•           Pencil/Paper – Pre-Leadership Survey

•           Online - Pre-Assessment LPI - Complete prior to exiting conference; however, deadline to complete is Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 8 am. 

Mentor: Section 2: Keys to a Successful Mentoring Relationship

Unlike the other sections in this toolkit, Section 2 is written for the mentor and is not to be used with the mentees. The goal of this section is to prepare mentors for their journey with the mentees.

 Review Section 3: Overview/Getting Started for face-to-face discussion prior to leaving conference: Getting Started: First Meeting Guide and Setting Goals* — The intent of the first two meetings is to start building trust between the mentors and mentees, to determine clear expectations and to establish a plan for future meetings based on the mentees’ goals. Ideally, the mentees will start to develop general goals by the end of the second meeting.

Complete Survey By Email:  Required

Survey and instructions will be sent to you by email near the end of the month.

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