Promoting Nursing Education in Michigan
"Join us as we collectively transform healthcare through the education team and help the Nursing Action Coalition achieve a culture of health in the state of Michigan."
-Ericka Brunson-Gillespie
Team Focus - IOM recommendations related to nursing education and public/population health
IOM Objectives:
Increase # of BSNs in Michigan
Increase # of RNs with doctorates (PhD, DNP)
Educate nurses about
public/population health
Why is the work important
The work of education has a pivotal role in nursing. Education is used to promote patient safety, improve patient outcomes and has an impact on the development of guidelines for standards of care.
Why is nursing important to Michigan
There is still a nursing faculty shortage in the State of Michigan that enables many students wanting to pursue the career of nursing. Allowing practicing nurses to use their education to full capacity could decrease the numbers of patients needing immediate care.
Why should someone want to get involved
Join us as we collectively transform healthcare through the education team and help the Nursing Action Coalition achieve a culture of health in the state of Michigan.
Want to get involved? Join us!