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Culture of Health in Michigan

The purpose of this project is to promote health and create communities in which everyone

has access to high quality care and to obtain high quality longer lives, achieve health equity,

eliminate disparities, and improve the health of the community across the life span.

The Work Being Done:

  • The CULTURE OF HEALTH IN MICHIGAN project serves as a venue for the identification,

    exploration and coordination of opportunities to improve age friendly communities (the SDOH
    model) in our state.

  • The project is responsible for building a culture of health across the life span reflecting the principles of human caring.

  • Based on research findings and current data, the project addresses areas of opportunity that

    impact the patient-centered experience, for all residents of the state.

  • The focus is on creating and advancing a community of health, built on an appreciation of and respect for the health continuum.

Group Goals:

  1. Identify a comprehensive resource(s) to promote the culture of health in Michigan communities.

  2. Explore the feasibility of engaging future and current nurses in identifying community resources and services to promote a culture of health.

  3. Explore the feasibility of a state wide advocacy initiative to promote equitable care within all communities in Michigan.

The Michigan Nursing Action Coalition is co-lead by Michigan Health Council and Michigan Primary Care Association. We work collaboratively with Michigan Center for Nursing. Learn more at
michigan center for nursing
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